Saturday, October 16, 2021

{Review} ナナとカオル (Nana and Kaoru)

Original Title: ナナとカオル
Director Shimizu Atsushi
Distributor: Bio-Tide Films, VAP
Released: March 12, 2011
Genre: Adapted from Manga/Mature/Triggers
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 1/10
Add To: N/A

Kaoru is a 17-year-old virgin who has an S&M fetish. He has always dreamt about an SM relationship with his childhood friend Nana, who is looked upon as perfect and is always the target of boys' eyes. Their relationship has somewhat deteriorated through the years, due to them hanging out with different people and because Kaoru is not taking his education too seriously. One day though, Kaoru's mother gives some of his S&M toys to Nana for safekeeping - Nana finds the leather one-piece that Kaoru bought and tries it on but accidentally locks herself in it and doesn't have the key! Kaoru frees her of the one-piece, but then Nana realizes she may like Kaoru's hobby more than she thought and subsequently the two of them start engaging in so-called "breathers". These breathers are intended to relieve Nana of stress, stress originating from her attempts at keeping her grades and her name perfect.

Friday, October 1, 2021

{Review} No One Gets Out Alive

Original Title: No One Gets Out Alive
Director Santiago Menghini
Distributor: Imaginarium Productions
Released: September 29, 2021
Genre: Horror/Thriller/Mystery
Language: English
Country: USA
My Rating: 1/10
Add To: Netflix
Desperate and without documentation, a woman from Mexico moves into a rundown Cleveland boardinghouse. Then the unsettling cries and eerie visions begin.

No One Gets Out Alive is a 2021 horror film directed by Santiago Menghini, written by Jon Croker, Fernanda Coppel and Adam Nevill and starring Marc Menchaca, Cristina Rodlo, and Victoria Alcock. It was released on 29 September 2021 by Netflix.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

{Review} A.I. love you アイラヴユー

Original Title: A.I. love you アイラヴユー
Director Shogo Miyaki
Distributor: Katsu-do/Fuji Television Network
Released: December 10, 2016
Genre: Romance/Drama/Sci-Fi
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 8/10
Add To: N/A
A love story that depicts love with artificial intelligence, filmed with smartphones.
Haruka Hoshino, a dreamer who wants to have her own store, continues to apply for recruitment at a well-established Western confectionary shop, but only notification of rejection is received. One day, a spam mail arrived, Haruka invited by the phrase "Your dreams come true" that was written there, installs AI (artificial intelligence) equipped call type application.


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

{Review} 사랑은 100℃ (Love 100℃)

Original Title: 사랑은 100℃
Director Kim Jho Kwang Soo
Distributor: strongberry/MATCHBOX film
Released: Sep 2, 2010
Genre: LGBTQ+/Drama/Romance/Short Film
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 9/10
Add To: 18+
A hearing-impaired boy, Min So, is gay, and he likes his classmate, Ji Seok. One day, Min So impulsively has sex with a man who works in a public bath, an experience that lends him a new-found confidence, but at a heavy price.

청각장애인 민수의 첫사랑 그리고 목욕탕에서 만난 아저씨와의 첫경험, 민수의 성장영화. (2011년 제12회 서울LGBT필름페스티벌)

Sunday, July 4, 2021

{Review} Fear Street Part 1

Original Title: Fear Street Part 1
Director Leigh Janiak
Distributor: Chernin Entertainment
Released: July 2, 2021
Genre: Horror/Thriller/Action/YA
Language: English
Country: USA
My Rating: 10/10
Add To: Netflix
After a series of brutal slayings, a teen and her friends take on an evil force that's plagued their notorious town for centuries.
~~ Adapted from the Fear Street series by R.L. Stine.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

{Review} 山河令 (Word of Honor)

Original Title: 山河令
Also Known As: Word of Honor
Director Cheng Zhichao, Ma Huaqian, Li Hongyu
Distributor: Youku
Released: Feburary 22, 2021
Genre: Drama/Fantasy/Costume/Action
Language: Mandarin
Country: China
My Rating: 9/10
Add To: VIKI | Netflix
Zhou Zi Shu, the disillusioned leader of a royal praetorian secret service, takes drastic measures to leave his former life behind and wanders the pugilist world. He unexpectedly gets involved in a conspiracy after he steps in to save a young boy. He also meets the mysterious Wen Ke Xing, who is on a quest to avenge his parents’ deaths. They become bosom friends through a series of adventures involving a legendary treasure that is rumored to give its owner ultimate power over the pugilist world.
~~ Adapted from the novel "Faraway Wanderers" (天涯客) by Priest.

{Review} 어느 날 우리 집 현관으로 멸망이 들어왔다 (Doom at your Service)

Original Title: 어느 날 우리 집 현관으로 멸망이 들어왔다
Also Known As: Doom At Your Service
Director Kwon Young-Il
Distributor: tvN
Released: May 10, 2021
Genre: Drama/Supernatural/Romance
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 10/10
Add To: VIKI
Tak Dong Kyung has been working hard ever since her parents passed away. Her life seemed more stable after working as a web novel editor for 6 years, but then she gets diagnosed with a brain cancer. She blames her unlucky life and wishes to curse everything to disappear, which unintentionally calls Myeol Mang, who is the doom itself and is neither human nor god, to appear. He says that he can grant her wishes. As her last hope, she makes a contract with Myeol Mang for a hundred days to live how she wants, risking her everything.
사라지는 모든 것들의 이유가 되는 존재 ‘멸망’과 사라지지 않기 위해 목숨을 건 계약을 한 인간 ‘동경’의 아슬아슬한 목숨담보 판타지 로맨스

Friday, June 25, 2021

{Review} 性の劇薬 (Sei no Gekiyaku)

Original Title: 性の劇薬
Also Known As: Sexual Drug/Sex and Drugs
Director Jojo Hideo
Distributor: Boys Fan/Future comics (??)
Released: Febuary 14, 2020
Genre: Mature/Drama/Trigger: S/A
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 2/10
Add To: N/A; 18+
After attempting to commit suicide, elite office worker Katsuragi Makoto wakes up bound in an unfamiliar face. There he meets his captor, Yoda Ryoji, who forces a horrible life of sexual assault and confinement training on Makoto. The two start bonding and each begins to recall the tragic past that led them to this deranged situation.

「俺のせいで、すべてが無くなった…」 完璧な人生から転落したエリートサラリーマンの桂木は、絶望のさなか酔った勢いで飛び降り自殺をはかる。 「捨てるなら…その命、俺に寄こせ!」 突然現れた謎の男・余田に助けられるのだが、それは恐ろしい監禁調教生活のはじまりだった…
~~ Adapted from the manga with the same title by Mizuta Yuki.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

{Review} The Wind

Original Title: The Wind
Director Emma Tammi
Distributor: Soapbox Films, Divide/Conquer, Mind Hive Films
Released: April 5, 2019
Genre: Action/Fantasy/Historical
Language: English
Country: USA
My Rating: 1/10
Add To: Netflix
A supernatural thriller set in the Western frontier of the late 1800s, The Wind stars Caitlin Gerard (INSIDIOUS: THE LAST KEY) as a plains-woman driven mad by the harshness and isolation of the untamed land.

Monday, June 14, 2021

{Review} 恐怖新聞 (Terror Newspaper)

Original Title: 恐怖新聞
Also Known As: Terror Newspaper
Director Hideo Nakata, Daiji Hattori, Masanori Inoue
Distributor: Fuji TV / Tokai TV
Released: August 29, 2020
Genre: Horror/Paranormal/Supernatural
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 9/10
Add To: N/A
Onoda Shizuru is a university student in Kyoto. As soon as she starts living out her long cherished desire, the strange horror newspapers begin to arrive. At first, she believes them to be a prank but the stories in the newspapers begin happening one after the other. Murders, accidents, abuse, natural disasters, injustice... these newspapers predict all sorts of tragedies. What is the truth behind them?
70年代にオカルトブームの火付け役となった、つのだじろう「恐怖新聞」を原作に、オトナの土ドラ史上、最も恐いドラマが、今、幕を開ける。 主人公・小野田詩弦は、京都市内の大学に通う女子大生。 念願の一人暮らしを始めた彼女の元に、様々な不幸を予言する恐怖新聞が届くようになる。 最初はイタズラだと思っていた詩弦だが、次々と新聞に書かれた通りの事件が起こり、信じるように…。前途洋々の大学生活が、死と隣り合わせの悪夢へと一変していく。 1日読むごとに100日ずつ寿命が縮まる恐怖新聞に翻弄され、追いつめられる詩弦。しかし、はじめは恐れるだけだった詩弦だが、やがて呪われた未来を変えるために運命に抗い始める。 その中で明らかになる、恐怖新聞に秘められた驚愕の“真実”とは…。 次々と身に降りかかる不条理な恐怖の中で、自身が存在することへの不安と向き合う事になる詩弦を演じるのは、98年生まれの”奇跡の世代”の中で、演技力No.1の呼び声が高い白石聖。 詩弦と恋に落ちるバイト先の先輩・松田勇介を演じるのは、佐藤大樹。 恋人を守ろうとして悪夢に巻き込まれていく青年に、LDH注目の若手俳優が挑む。 そして、詩弦の母親・歌子を演じるのは、名女優・黒木瞳。 娘思いの優しい母親だが…意味深な存在感を醸し出す、物語を予期せぬ方向へ導くキーパーソンを怪演する。 演出を手掛けるのは、“元祖・ルール系ホラー映画”『リング』で世界中を震撼させた中田秀夫。 見たら1週間後に必ず死ぬ呪いのビデオで見る者を凍り付かせたホラー界の巨匠が、今回は“読んだら死ぬ”新たなルール系ホラーを世に放つ。 そして、シリーズ構成を担当するのは、小説家・乙一。 最近では、脚本・監督を手がけた映画「シライサン」がスマッシュヒット。猟奇的なホラー作品から感動作まで幅広く手掛ける乙一が、誰も見たことがないような恐怖世界を作り上げる。 オトナの土ドラシリーズ29作目にして、初のホラー。描かれるのは、極限の恐怖。 あなたの元に恐怖新聞が届くのは、今夜かもしれない…
~~ Based on Tsunoda Jirou's classic horror manga "Kyoufu Shinbun", serialized in Weekly Shounen Champion.

Friday, June 11, 2021

{Review} 대박부동산 (Sell Your Haunted House)

Original Title: 대박부동산
Also Known As: Sell Your Haunted House / Daebak Real Estate
Director Park Jin-Suk
Distributor: KBS2
Released: April 14, 2021
Genre: Mystery/Paranormal/Thriller
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 5/10
Add To: VIKI
Hong Ji-A (Jang Na-Ra) is an exorcist, who runs Daebak Real Estate. She gets rid of evil spirits from real estate properties and then sells them. Oh In-Bum (Jung Yong-Hwa) is a swindler. He often uses ghosts in his schemes to make money. Hong Ji-A and Oh In-Bum work together to disclose a secret about the death of Hong Ji-A’s mother, who died 20 years ago.
부동산 중개업자인 퇴마사가 퇴마 전문 사기꾼과 한 팀이 되어 흉가가 된 부동산에서 원귀나 지박령을 퇴치하고 기구한 사연들을 풀어주는 생활밀착형 퇴마 드라마

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

{Review} 다크홀 (Dark Hole)

Original Title: 다크홀
Also Known As: Dark Hole
Director Kim Bong-Joo
Distributor: OCN / tvN
Released: April 30, 2021
Genre: Thriller/Action/Mystery
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 7/10
Add To: VIKI
Lee Hwa-Sun (Kim Ok-Vin) is a detective at the regional investigation unit of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency. She receives a phone call from the person who murdered her husband. Lee Hwa-Sun then travels to Muji City. There, people inhale a mysterious dark smoke and turn into monsters. The residents in Muji City become terrified. Lee Hwa-Sun struggles to save people there and she also chases after her husband's murderer. Meanwhile, Yoo Tae-Han (Lee Joon-Hyuk) has lived in Muji City all of his life. He once worked as a detective, but he had to quit because of a case. He now works as a wrecker driver. His still has his strong of justice, while he is also easy going and a joker. Yoo Tae-Han now faces his city falling into chaos because of the dark smoke that causes people to turn into monsters. He joins Lee Hwa-Sun to save people in Muji City.
싱크홀에서 나온 검은 연기를 마신 변종인간들, 그 사이에서 살아남은 자들의 처절한 생존기

Thursday, June 3, 2021

{Review} 陈情令之生魂 (Untamed: Living Dead)

Original Title: 陈情令之生魂
Also Known As: The Untamed: The Living Dead
Director Qiu Zhong Wei
Distributor: iQiyi
Released: November 7, 2019
Genre: Action/Fantasy/Historical
Language: Mandarin
Country: China
My Rating: 10/10
Add To: VIKI | iQiyi
Near Qishan Mountain, there is a little town called Fu Feng, which is nicknamed the "City That Never Turns Dark". There, lies a legend of the "Lit Lamp Murderer". Wen Ning arrives at Fu Feng, and he realizes the abnormality of the town; the whole town is filled only with the weak and sick; and is very run down. When the night arrives, Wen Ning purposefully lit up a lamp to attract ghost shadows. Just as he was about to capture them, a ray of blue sword light appears and the black shadow disappears. Wen Ning looks up, and sees his famillar friend, Lan Sizhui. Wen Ning and Lan Sizhui decides to work together and solve the mystery and capture the culprit behind the mysterious incidents.
~~This movie is a spinoff of the series “The Untamed.” Adapted from the novel "Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" (魔道祖师) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (墨香铜臭).

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

{Review} 달달한 그놈 (The Sweet Blood)

Original Title: 달달한 그놈
Also Known As: The Sweet Bood
Director Ha Han Me
Distributor: Naver TV Cast/vLive
Released: March 24, 2021
Genre: Romance/Action/Supernatural
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 6/10
Add To: VIKI
At the age of 8, Park Joo-Hyeong went to Italy after he was adopted. He is now an adult and has the name of Vincenzo Cassano (Song Born between a human mother and a vampire father, Yeon Seo is a 118 year old half-vampire who wants nothing more than to live an ordinary human life. With natural beauty and a slew of vampire abilities, Yeon Seo could be anything she wanted, but she has chosen to blend in with those who appear closest to her age. As a result, Yeon Seo now finds herself faced with one of life’s most difficult challenges: graduating from high school. Fighting back her more vampiric urges, Yeon Seo does her best to blend in at school; a task that, for the most part, has been fairly easy. But when the sweet blood of her classmate, Song Meo Roo, attracts the attention of vampires and werewolves alike, things get a little more complicated. Trying desperately to ignore the siren call of Meo Roo’s blood, Yeon Seo takes it upon herself to protect her classmate from those who hunt him. As Yeon Seo and Meo Roo run for their lives, the blood in his veins calls to her. Torn between family duty and the desires of her own heart, a war within Yeon Seo rages. Will she be able to embrace her humanity and resist the temptation of this boy’s sweet blood or will her vampire side rise victorious in the end?
21 세기 초부터 뱀파이어들은 더 이상 인간의 피를 직접 마실 수 없어서 피를 뽑아 와인을 만들기 시작했습니다. 서영은 세계 최고의 와이너리 중 하나 인 바이올렛 가문에서 소믈리에로 자랐고, 그 소녀는 매우 예리한 후각의 주인이되었습니다. 조금이라도 조용히 살기 위해 고등학교에 진학한 연서는 눈에 띄지 않고 자신의 관심을 끌지 않으려 고한다. 그러나 송 모루라는 이름의 동급생이 그 소녀를 추적하고 뱀파이어 은신처에서 손을 긁는 데 실패했습니다. 처음으로 마법의 향기를 맡은 연서가 그를 데리고 갔지만, 100 년에 한 번 나타나는 모루가 가장 희소 한 피의 주인이라는 사실을 감추기 위해 일하지 않았다. 소녀는 친척들로부터 그 남자를 보호하기로 결정했지만 그를 시도하려는 유혹에 저항하는 것이 점점 더 어려워졌습니다.
~~ Adapted from the webtoon "The Sweet Girl" (달달한그녀) by writer S and illustrator Nal Chi (날치)

Monday, May 24, 2021

{Review} 陈情令 (The Untamed)

Original Title: 陈情令
Also Known As: The Untamed
Director Steve Cheng/Chan Ka Lam
Distributor: Tencent Video
Released: June 27, 2019
Genre: Action/Fantasy/Historical
Language: Mandarin
Country: China
My Rating: 10/10
Add To: Netflix | WeTV
Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wang Ji, two talented disciples of respectable clans, meet during cultivation training and accidentally discover a secret carefully hidden for many years. Taking on the legacy of their ancestors, they decide to rid the world of the ominous threat, but in a dramatic turn of events, Wei Wu Xian dies. Sixteen years later, Wei Wu Xian is brought back to life through a self-sacrificing ritual. He conceals himself behind a mask and assumes the identity of his summoner. Soon Wei Wu Xian reunites with Lan Wang Ji, and the pair starts working together to solve the mysteries of the present and unravel the truth behind the events of the past.
~~ Adapted from the novel "Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" (魔道祖师) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (墨香铜臭).

{Review} The Wretched

Original Title: The Wretched
Director Brett Pierce, Drew T. Pierce
Distributor: Little Runway
Released: April 29, 2020
Genre: Horror/Mystery/Paranormal
Language: English
Country: USA
My Rating: 5/10
Add To: HULU
A defiant teenage boy, struggling with his parents' imminent divorce, faces off with a thousand year-old witch, who is living beneath the skin of and posing as the woman next door.
여름방학을 맞아 아빠집에 놀러온 소년 '벤'이 마을에서 벌어지는 기이한 사건을 조사하고 마녀로부터 아이들을 구하는 내용의 영화

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

{Review} 빈센조 (Vincenzo)

Original Title: 빈센조
Also Known As: Vincenzo
Director Kim Hee-Won
Distributor: tvN
Released: February 20, 2021
Genre: Action/Romance/Crime/Mafia
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 10/10
Add To: Netflix
At the age of 8, Park Joo-Hyeong went to Italy after he was adopted. He is now an adult and has the name of Vincenzo Cassano (Song Joong-Ki). He is a lawyer, who works for the Mafia as a consigliere. Because of a war between mafia groups, he flees to South Korea. In South Korea, he gets involved with Lawyer Hong Cha-Young (Jeon Yeo-Bin). She is the type of attorney who will do anything to win a case. Vincenzo Cassano falls in love with her. He also achieves social justice by his own way.
대한민국의 국민들은 안도하며 말한다. 한국에는 마피아, 야쿠자, 삼합회, 카르텔 같은 거대 범죄 조직이 없어 다행이라고. 그러나 이건 엄청난 착각이다. 탐욕이 지배하는 세상에는 [빌런 총량의 법칙]이 존재한다. 한국도 예외는 아니며 이 '총량'은 교묘하게 숨겨져 있다. 과거의 이념과 망령에 사로잡혀 혐오와 증오를 부추기는 저열한 정치인, 정의수호는 커녕 인권을 파괴하고 권력에 눈이 먼 비루한 공권력, 이들에 빌붙어 가짜 뉴스를 양산하는 파렴치한 언론, 이에 기꺼이 '쩐주'가 돼 주는 대기업. 이들이 바로 대한민국의 마피아이자 거대 카르텔이다. 이 작품은 '법' 위에 군림하며 '법 정신'을 거스르는 '코리안 카르텔'에 대한 분노와 무기력함을 해소하기 위해 기획됐다. 진짜 마피아가 [마피아 방식]으로 이 카르텔을 궤멸 시키는 과정을 통해, 이 땅에 깊이 박힌 악을 축출하기 위해서는 때로는 변칙적이고 독한 방법도 필요함을 말하고 싶었다.

Monday, April 26, 2021

{Review} 시지프스: The Myth (Sisyphus: The Myth)

Original Title: 시지프스: The Myth
Also Known As: Sisyphus: The Myth
Director Jin Hyeok
Distributor: JTBC
Released: Feburary 17, 2021
Genre: Action/Romance/Scince Fiction
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 2/10
Add To: Netflix
A time travel story between a genius engineer Han Tae-Sul (Cho Seung-Woo) and his savior from the future Gang Seo-Hae (Park Shin-Hye). Han Tae-Sul is a genius engineer and the co-founder of Quantum and Time Company. He is handsome and he produces innovative results. Thanks to his efforts, Quantum and Time has become a world-class enterprise. He is known as a miracle worker and a hero in Korea, but reality is a little different. After his older brother's death 10 years ago, he has exhibited eccentric behavior. The company's stock price has fluctuated accordingly. One day, Han Tae-Sul learns of an unreliable truth behind his brother's death. His dangerous journey begins. Gang Seo-Hae is an elite warrior. She can take down the biggest men with just her bare hands. She is also a sharpshooter and able to make bombs. She learned these skills to survive in a world that is dominated by gangsters and military cliques. One day, after a long and dangerous journey, she comes to Han Tae-Sul to save him.
퀀텀 앤 타임의 공동 창업자 한태 설은 엔지니어 패션 감각을 능가하는 뛰어난 외모로 최고 수준의 코딩 기술을 갖춘 천재 엔지니어 다. 그의 혁신적인 업적 덕분에 퀀텀 앤 타임은 "대한민국 엔지니어링 산업의 기적"으로 불리는 세계적인 기업입니다. 실제로 태설은 10 년 전 형이 사망 한 이후 회사의 주식이 끊임없이 변동하도록 만들었다. 어느 날 그는 형의 죽음에 대한 믿을 수없는 진실을 목격 한 후 위험한 여행을 떠납니다. 강서 해는 건물에서 건물까지 짚 라인을하고, 맨손으로 큰 건물과 싸우고, 총을 쏘고, 폭발물을 설치할 수있는 병사입니다. 갱스터와 군벌 사이에서 살면서 배운 생존 기술로 한태술을 찾는 위험한 길을 떠난다.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

{Review} マイルノビッチ (Mairunovich)

Original Title: マイルノビッチ
Also Known As: Mairunovich
Director: Ninomiya Takashi
Distributor: HULU
Released: Feburary 12, 2021
Genre: Drama/Romance/YA
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 3/10
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Kinoshita Mairu, is an unpopular high school student, who thinks she's ugly and plain. She is quickly transformed into a cute girl by the handsome and cool boy, Kumada Tenyu. She will search for real love while using her inner strength to change herself.
~~Adapted from the manga series "Mairunovich" by Sato Zakuri.

{Review} カカフカカ-こじらせ大人のシェアハウス- (Screw-Up Adults' Sharehouse)

Original Title: カカフカカ-こじらせ大人のシェアハウス-
Also Known As: Kakafukaka/Screw-Up Adults' Sharehouse
Director: Momoko Fukuda
Distributor: MBS
Released: April 26, 2019
Genre: Drama/Romance/Mature
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 5/10
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I never thought I would see him again. Aki Terada said goodbye to her first love long ago. When her current boyfriend is caught cheating on her, Aki moves out of her apartment and into a sharehouse, where she's reuinted with her first love. When things get heated between them, he drops a major bomb … Heart and body and everything in between intersect in this fresh new adult love story.
~~Adapted from the manga series "Kakafukaka" by Takumi Ishida.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

{Review} 롱타임노씨 (Long Time No See)

Original Title: 롱타임노씨
Also Known As: Long Time No See
Director Kang Woo
Distributor: Naver TV Cast
Released: November 23, 2017
Genre: Action/Romance/BL
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 9/10
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The renowned hitman, "Flying Dagger’" starts dating "Wild Dog" who isn't really what he seems to be. While both of them hide their secrets, they cannot help falling in love with each other. They run into danger as gangsters chase after them. Will "Flying Dagger" reveal his secret identity? Will they be able to overcome obstacles and keep their love?

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

{Review} 귀 鬼 (Ghost: Be With Me)

Original Title: 귀 鬼
Also Known As: Ghost/ Be With Me
Director Joachim Yeo, Jo Eun-Kyung, Hong Dong-Myung, Kim-Jho Gwang-Soo
Distributor: CJ Entertainment
Released: June 10, 2010
Genre: Paranormal/Horror
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 5/10
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Omnibus film "Ghost" premiered at the 2009 Busan International Film Festival with the English title "Be With Me". Prologue"Tell Me Your Name"- Seo-Hee, Nam-Hee and Lan hold tarot cards and told to chant their names as a magical spell. Once their names are spoken, special events unfold. Tarot 1 "The Unseen"- Lan (Han Ye-Ri) and two of her best friends are ordered by their seniors to get into an abandoned school building. Lan steps into a classroom in the abandoned building where a kid died without anyone knowing. The dead may not want to be alone and she can't leave the classroom. Tarot 2 " Attached"- So-Young (Shin Ji-Su) is popular among her peers and the teachers. When So-Young learns that her best friend Nam-Hee (Kim Kkobbi) is pregnant, So-Young tells Nam-Hee that she should keep the baby and they will raise the child together. Meanwhile, So-Young is jealous of Nam-Hee, who ranks first at their school, and plots a scheme to get the principle's recommendation to take the college entrance exam instead of Nam-Hee. Tarot 3 "Ghost Boy"- Park Chul-Min (Lee Tae-Ri) is a high school student. He can also see ghosts, but pretends he doesn't see them. Chul-Min then sees a cute girl ghost named Seo-Hee (Choi Hye-Kyung). Seo-Hee can't forget her first love and asks Chul-Min for his help.
학교라면, 반드시 있다 (귀) | 혼자 남기는 싫어 소녀와 눈을 마주친 소년. 그녀는 첫사랑을 잊지 못한 귀신. 그녀를 유일하게 알아본 소년에게 도움을 청한다. 아무도 모르게 죽어간 아이가 있는 폐교실에 들어선 소녀. 그 아이는 혼자인 게 싫었던 것일까? 소녀에게 출구는 점점 멀어지기만 하는데.. 절친했던 두 소녀. 둘을 갈라놓은 건 한 장의 학교장추천서와 학생회장 남학생. 영원할 줄 알았던 사랑의 맹세가 지켜지지 않자, 소녀는 죽어서라도 함께 하고자 하는데…. 사라진 아이들이 아직도 다니고 있는 그 학교에선 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는 것일까?

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

{Review} 3Bの恋人 (3B Lovers)

Original Title: 3Bの恋人
Also Known As: 3B no Koibito/3B Lovers
Director: Yusuke Taki, Masayuki Matoba, Norihiro Takasugi
Distributor: TV Asahi
Released: January 9, 2021
Genre: Drama/Romance
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 8/10
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Kobayashi Haruka fell in love before finding out that her boyfriend was actually a married man. At that time, a regular customer predicts that she will wind up meeting 3 different men. She begins encountering them just as predicted. There's the hairdresser Shintaro, the band vocalist Yu, and the bartender Yoshi. What will come of these fateful encounters?
~~Adapted from the manga series "3B Lover - Love with a Professional Boy Who Shouldn't be Dating" (3Bの恋人~付き合ってはいけない職業男子との恋遊戯~) by Yokoyama Moyo.

{Review} Sky of Love

Original Title: 恋空
Also Known As: Sky of Love/Koizora
Director: Natsuki Imai
Distributor: TBS, Toho
Released: November 30, 2007
Genre: Drama/Romance/Tear Jerker/True Story
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 8/10
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Mika is in her first year of high school. While Mika accidentally met a flashily dressed boy called Hiro at school, she turns and flees. They soon fall in love each other. Their days pass happily, but the trouble is coming to them...
~~Based on manga series "Koizora" by 美嘉 (Mika; based on her own experiences)
~~This is also the movie adaptation of the show.

{Review} 恋空 (Sky of Love)

Original Title: 恋空
Also Known As: Sky of Love/Koizora
Director: Natsuki Imai, Ayato Matsuda, Ayato Matsuda
Distributor: TBS
Released: August 2, 2008
Genre: Drama/Romance/Tear Jerker/True Story
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 9/10
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Mika Tahara (Elena Mizusawa) is an ordinary high school girl. One day, out of the blue, one of her classmates kisses her. His name is Hiroki Sakurai or Hiro (Koji Seto). Hiro stands out with his bleached hair and piercing. Apparently he is also dating someone right now. Mika is shocked and hurt that her first kiss had to happen this way. She desperately tries to forget about this kiss. Her friend tells her that she should find somebody else and suggests Tatsuya, another boy in the class. However, before she even realizes it, Mika is already in love.
~~Based on manga series "Koizora" by 美嘉 (Mika; based on her own experiences)

Thursday, March 11, 2021

{Review} 溺れるナイフ (Drowning Love)

Original Title: 溺れるナイフ
Also Known As: Drowning Love/ The Knife That Dropped in Water
Director: Yuki Yamato
Distributor: Gaga Corporation
Released: November 5, 2016
Genre: Drama/Romance
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 8/10
Add To: N/A
Natsume Mochizuki was a magazine model in Tokyo but moves to the rural town of Ukigumocho. Mochizuki, feeling depressed about living in the boring countryside, meets Koichiro Hasegawa, a member of a locally prominent family of Shinto priests, and gets caught in an intense attraction… It’s an epic love story that intensely and beautifully depicts the feelings of omnipotence and frustration that comes with being a teenager.
~~Based on manga series "Oboreru Knife" by George Asakura

{Review} 私立バカレア高校 (Shiritsu Bakaleya Koko)

Original Title: 私立バカレア高校
Also Known As: Bakaleya High School/Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou
Director Kentaro Moriya, Masahiko Kiki
Distributor: NTV
Released: April 14, 2012
Genre: Young Adult/Drama/Action
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 8/10
Add To:  N/A
In "Shiritsu Bakaleya Koko" two high schools merge together. On one side is the "baka" all male high school, filled with troublemakers. The other side is the “cattleya”all girl high school, filled with well educated girls from rich families. What will happen when the schools merge?

Saturday, March 6, 2021

{Review} クズの本懐 (Scum's Wish)

Original Title: クズの本懐
Also Known As: Scum's Wish/Kuzu no Honkai
Director Shogo Miyaki, Shunsuke Shinada
Distributor: Fuji TV
Released: January 18, 2017
Genre: Romance/Drama/Mature
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 7/10
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Hanabi Yasuraoka (Miyu Yoshimoto) and Mugi Awaya (Dori Sakurada) look an ideal high school couple, but, they both like someone else. Hanabi Yasuraoka has liked Narumi Kanai (Kouki Mizuta) since she was a kid and Mugi Awaya likes his private tutor Akane Minagawa (Rina Aizawa). As a couple, Hanabi Yasuraoka and Mugi Awayai have 3 conditions: they are not supposed to like each other, they will break up if either of them succeed in love with their secret crush and they will fulfill their physical desires.

~~ Based on manga series “Kuzu no Honkai” by Mengo Yokoyari

{Review} パーフェクトクライム (Perfect Crime)

Original Title: パーフェクトクライム
Also Known As: Perfect Crime
Director Takeshi Furusawa, Yusuke Taki, Osamu Minorikawa
Distributor: TV Asahi,
Released: January 20, 2019
Genre: Romance/Drama/Mature
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 8/10
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Risa Shiroki (Haruka Fukuhara) is a 20-year-old university student. She came to Tokyo from her hometown in the countryside to attend a university. Although Risa Shiroki is pretty and popular with male students, she has never had a boyfriend. She dreams of having a sweet love. One day, Hiroto Fukami (Dori Sakurada) appears in front of her in a suit. He is a 30-year-old businessman. He is gentle and looks perfect. Risa Shiroki and Hiroto Fukami fall in love, but Hiroto Fukami has a dark past.

~~ Based on manga series “Perfect Crime” by Ririo

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

{Review} コーヒー&バニラ (Coffee & Vanilla)

Original Title: コーヒー&バニラ
Also Known As: Coffee & Vanilla
Director Smith, Keijiro Tsubakimoto, Hiroto Totsuka
Distributor: MBS
Released: Jul 4, 2019
Genre: Romance/Drama/Mature
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 10/10
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Risa Shiroki (Haruka Fukuhara) is a 20-year-old university student. She came to Tokyo from her hometown in the countryside to attend a university. Although Risa Shiroki is pretty and popular with male students, she has never had a boyfriend. She dreams of having a sweet love. One day, Hiroto Fukami (Dori Sakurada) appears in front of her in a suit. He is a 30-year-old business man. He is gentle and looks perfect. Risa Shiroki and Hiroto Fukami fall in love, but Hiroto Fukami has a dark past.

~~ Based on manga series “Coffee & Vanilla” by Takara Akegami

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

{Review} グッドモーニング・コール 2 (Good Morning Call 2)

Original Title: グッドモーニング・コール 2
Also Known As: Good Morning Call season 2 / Good Morning Call: Our Campus Days
Director Kawahara Yo, Noda Kenta
Distributor: Netflix/Fuji TV
Released: Nov 28, 2017
Genre: Young Adult/Romance/Drama
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 8/10
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After the events of Good Morning Call Season 1, Season 2 starts off with Uehara and Nao living next door to each other and off to start college in separate universities. Uehara immediately becomes a campus heartthrob while Nao worries that he will be overwhelmed by college girls' attention.

~~ Based on manga series “Good Morning Call” by Yue Takasuka

Monday, February 22, 2021

{Review} グッドモーニング・コール (Good Morning Call)

Original Title: グッドモーニング・コール
Also Known As: Good Morning Call
Director Yo Kawahara, Takashi Fujio
Distributor: Netflix/Fuji TV
Released: February 12, 2016
Genre: Young Adult/Romance
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 3/10
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Yoshikawa Nao stays behind to live by herself when her parents leave to inherit her grandpa's farm in the country. On the day she moves into her new apartment, she discovers that it was rented also to Uehara Hisashi; a cute, super-cool, popular guy from her school. Not only did their housing agency unexpectedly close down, the landlord of the apartment tells them that they had to pay more for their apartment than they had expected. With no money and no home to return to, Nao and Hisashi decide to live together as flatmates.

~~ Based on manga series “Good Morning Call” by Yue Takasuka

Thursday, February 11, 2021

{Review} The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel

Original Title: Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel
Director: Joe Berlinger
Distributor: Netflix
Released: February 10, 2021
Genre: Documentary/Crime/Mystery
Language: English
Country: USA
My Rating: 3/10
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Elisa lam was a 21- Canadian tourist who stayed at the Cecil Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles in February 2013. Weeks later, after disappearing, her body was discovered in the hotel's rooftop water tank. Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel is set premiere on Netflix on the 10th Feb. The executive producer and director is Joe Berlinger who was behind the streamer's earlier Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes and the Paradise Lost trilogy.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

{Review} 승리호 (Space Sweepers)

Original Title: 승리호
Also Known As: Space Sweepers/Spaceship Victory
Director: Jo Sung-hee
Distributor: Netflix
Released: February 5, 2021
Genre: Sci-Fi/Action/Fantasy
Language: Korean/Multi-Language
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 10/10
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It’s 2092 and space is littered with floating satellites and deserted spaceships. The crew of the junk collector ship, The Victory, travels throughout space looking for saleable garbage. With heavy competition from other junk collector ships, speed is the key to besting their rivals from other nations. When they discover the humanoid robot named ´Dorothy’, a known weapon of mass-destruction, a risky business deal soon follows.
2092 년을 배경으로 승리라는 우주 쓰레기 수집 선의 승무원을 따릅니다. 대량 살상 무기로 알려진 도로시라는 휴머노이드 로봇을 발견하면 위험한 사업 거래에 참여하게됩니다. 2092 년, 우주는 버려진 인공위성과 버려진 우주선과 같은 위험한 떠 다니는 쓰레기로 가득 차 있습니다. 승리의 승무원은 돈을 벌 수있는 쓰레기를 찾기 위해 우주를 여행하는 한편, 다른 나라의 쓰레기 수집 선과 경쟁하고 그들의 기술을 사용하여 경쟁자를 물리칩니다.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

{Review} 런 온 (Run On)

Original Title: 런 온
Also Known As: Run On
Director Lee Jae Hoon
Distributor: jTBC
Released: December 16, 2020
Genre: Drama/Romance/Life/Sports
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 5/10
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Ki Sun Gyeom is a sports agent who was once a popular sprinter on the national team but was forced to quit due to legal issues. Oh Mi Joo writes translated subtitles for movies. She was thrilled to see her name listed among the credits when she first started. Ki Sun Gyeom had just quit sprinting when he encountered Oh Mi Joo, who felt that destiny most certainly brought them together. Seo Dan Ah is the CEO of a sports agency and rightful successor to the Seomyung Group. Despite this, she is held back from advancing in the company due to her gender. She fiercely wishes to reclaim what is rightfully hers and lives her life accordingly. Lee Young Hwa, a university art major who enjoys movies and drawing soon enters her life. Could romance be in the cards for these two couples?
기선 겸과 오미주의 러브 스토리. 기선 겸은 한때 국가 대표팀의 인기 단거리 선수였다. 사건으로 인해 그는 스포츠를 그만 두었습니다. 그런 다음 그는 스포츠 에이전트로 일하기 시작합니다. 한편 오미주는 영화 자막 번역을 씁니다. 그녀는 엔딩 크레딧에서 번역자로 그녀의 이름을 처음 보았을 때 감격했습니다. 단거리 선수 생활을 그만 둔 기선 겸을 만난다. 그녀는 그들이 만날 운명이라고 생각합니다. 서단 아는 스포츠 에이전시의 대표이다. 그녀는 서명 그룹을 운영하는 남자의 외동 딸이다. 그녀는 성별 때문에 서명 그룹의 후계자 명단에 밀려 난다. 그녀는 원래 그녀에게 속한 것을 되찾기 위해 치열하게 산다. 이영화는 그녀의 삶에 등장한다. 그는 미술을 전공하는 대학생입니다. 그는 영화와 크로키 그림을 좋아합니다.

Monday, February 1, 2021

{Review} 呪怨:呪いの家 (JU-ON: Origins)

Original Title: 呪怨:呪いの家
Also Known As: JU-ON: Origins/The Grudge: Origins
Director Sho Miyake
Distributor: NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan/Netflix
Released: July 3, 2020
Genre: Horror/Thriller/Supernatural
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 3/10
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Based on actual events, this Netflix Original drama is the latest installment in the classic Japanese horror franchise Ju-on. This time, a paranormal investigator’s data reveals an eerie connection between a string of horrifying incidents that occurred between 1958 and 1997: they all stemmed from the same house. Set over the course of 40 years, the series explores the nature of these incidents, building on the established premise of the Ju-on movies and cranking up the terror to new heights. Drawing from actual recorded cases in Japan’s recent past, it offers fresh scares unlike anything J-horror fans have witnessed before. Honjo Haruka is a rookie actress. She hears the sounds of footsteps at night in her house. When she learns of psychic researcher Odajima Yasuo from a TV variety program, she seeks counseling from him about her problem.

~~ Based on Ju-On by Takashi Shimizu

{Review} Kaali Khuhi

Original Title: Kaali Khuhi(?)
Director: Terrie Samundra
Distributor: Manomay Motion Picture
Released: October 30, 2020
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Language: Hindi
Country: India
My Rating: 6/10
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In stormy rainy night a girl enters an house the old lady gives her shelter but collapses after knowing about her. Shivangi a ten year old sees reflection in a well which she wasn't expecting her parents Darshan and Priya have an argument over going to visit the village to meet her ailing grandmother whose the same old lady. Upon reaching the village Shivani starts seeing a girl in the house and nothing seems to be fine.Satya Masi finally reveals about and old curse of village where many female babies were dumped in a well in cruel way.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

{Review} Mercy Black

Original Title: Mercy Black
Director: Owen Egerton
Distributor: Blumhouse Productions / Meridian Entertainment Group
Released: March 12, 2020
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Language: English
Country: USA
My Rating: 6/10
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Fifteen years after stabbing a classmate to conjure a phantom known as Mercy Black, a woman is released from psychiatric care and sent to live with her sister and young nephew. Now, she'll need to confront her past to save her nephew's future.

{Review} Case 39

Original Title: Case 39
Director: Christian Alvart
Distributor: Paramount Pictures
Released: October 1, 2010
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Language: English
Country: USA
My Rating: 8/10
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In her many years as a social worker, Emily Jenkins (Renée Zellweger) thinks she has seen it all -- until she meets 10-year-old Lilith (Jodelle Ferland) and the girl's cruel parents. When the parents try to harm the child, Emily assumes custody of Lilith while looking for a foster family. However, she soon finds that dark forces surround the seemingly innocent child, and the more she tries to protect Lilith, the more horrors she encounters.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

{Review} 경이로운 소문 (The Uncanny Counter)

Original Title: 경이로운 소문
Also Known As: The Uncanny Counter/ Amazing Rumor
Director: Yoo Sun-Dong
Distributor: OCN
Released: November 28, 2020 
Genre: Action/Fantasy/Supernatural/Drama/Mystery
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 10/10
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A group of people are called "Counter." Their purpose is to hunt down evil spirits and they each have their own special abilities. The group disguises themselves as employees at noodle restaurant.

악귀 사냥꾼 '카운터'들이 국숫집 직원으로 위장해 지상의 악귀들을 물리치는 통쾌하고 땀내 나는 악귀타파 히어로물

~~ Adapted from the webcomic "Kyeongirowoon Somoon” written by Jang Yi.

Friday, January 22, 2021

{Review} 치즈인더트랩 (Cheese in the Trap)

Original Title: 치즈인더트랩
Also Known As: Cheese in the Trap
Director: Lee Yoon-Jung
Distributor: tvN
Released: January 4, 2016
Genre: Drama/Romance
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 10/10
Add To: VIKI | Netflix
Having returned to college after a year long break, due to her family's poor background, Hong Sul, a hard-working over-achiever, inadvertently got on the wrong side of Yoo Jung, her senior who is athletic, good looking, gets good grades and has a kind personality, but also a hidden dark side. From then on her life took a turn for the worse and Sul was almost certain it was all Yoo Jung's doing. So why is he suddenly acting so friendly a year later?

"니들은 몰라도 난 안다고. 저 가짜 웃음 뒤에 숨겨진 선배의 또 다른 얼굴을..." 달콤한 미소 뒤 위험한 본성을 숨긴 완벽 스펙남과 유일하게 그의 본모습을 꿰뚫어본 비범한 여대생의 숨막히는 로맨스릴러

~~Adapted from the webtoon: 치즈인더트랩 by 순끼

Thursday, January 14, 2021

{Review} サイレン (Forbidden Siren)

Original Title: サイレン
Also Known As: Forbidden Siren
Director: Yukihiko Tsutsumi
Distributor: Toho Company Ltd.
Released: Feburary 11, 2006
Genre: Horror
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 10/10
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In 1976, on the island of Yamijina, all the island inhabitants disappeared with the wailing sound of a sire. A sole survivor was later discovered, but his mind had now gone insane. 29 years later, novelist Shinichi Amamoto (Leo Morimoto) goes to the island with his daughter Yuki (Yui Ichikawa) and his son Hideo (Jun Nishiyama). They stay at a home deep in the forest. A neighbor advises Yuki to avoid walking alone at night and if the siren of a tower goes off ... don't go outside.

~~Forbidden Siren (サイレン,also known as Sairen) is a movie adaptation of the videogame series Siren. It was released in Japan on February 9, 2006 to coincide with the Japanese release of the sequel game, Forbidden Siren 2, on which the movie is loosely based.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

{Review} デスノート (Death Note)

Original Title: デスノート
Also Known As: Death Note
Director: Shusuke Kaneko
Distributor: Warner Bros. Japan
Released: June 17, 2006
Genre: Live action/Supernatural/Action/Horror/Fantasy
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 10/10
Add To: N/A
Weary Shinigami the Death dropped a notebook in the human world where a weary genius picked it up. “The human whose name is written in this note shall die” it said… It was the notebook of death that determined people’s death. Light Yagami, an extremely bright elite university student was the one to possess this ultimate tool that should remain only in the hands of God. Light decides to create an ideal world and begins to hold the scales to judge the criminals in his discretion. Meanwhile, ICPO (International Criminal Police Organization) has placed a mysterious detective called“L” in Japanese police force to investigate a series of the criminal cases. “L” in the status of a divinity for his capacity and skill in gathering information and in reasoning had solved unresolved cases in the world, and now tightens the investigative screws over these cases, but Light also cleverly manipulating the notebook of death, tosses and shakes the investigation. The future of mankind is at the mercy of crucial and fierce battles of the two brains.

~~Death Note is a live-action film adaptation of the manga created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and illustrator Takeshi Obata.

Friday, January 8, 2021

{Review} デビルマン (Devilman)

Original Title: デビルマン
Also Known As: Devilman
Director: Hiroyuki Nasu
Distributor: Toei Company
Released: October 9, 2004
Genre: Live action/Supernatural/Action/Horror/Fantasy
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
My Rating: 10/10
Add To: N/A
The weak teenager Akira Fudô has been protected by his best friend Ryô Asuka since they were children. When Akira's parents die in an accident, the family Makimura brings him to live with them, and Akira falls in love for the gorgeous Miki Makimura. When the father of Ryô accidentally opens a gate to hell in Antarctica, demons are released, merging with humans to survive. Akira hosts Aman and becomes Devilman but keeping his humanity while Ryô hosts Satan. The hysteria and panic replaces reason and mankind initiates a war against the demons, but destroying also themselves.

~~Devilman is a live-action film adaptation of the original Devilman manga by Go Nagai.

{Review} 더블유 (W Two-Worlds)

Original Title: 더블유
Also Known As: W – Two Worlds/W-두 개의 세계/W – Two Worlds Apart
Director: Jeong Dae Yun
Distributor: MBC
Released: July 20, 2016
Genre: Fantasy/Drama/Romance/Action
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 10/10
Add To: VIKI
Oh Sung Moo, the father of cardiothoracic surgeon Oh Yeon Joo, mysteriously goes missing while writing the last chapter of his webtoon "W". Yeon Joo goes to his office looking, but a hand from his monitor suddenly pulls her in, and she finds herself on the rooftop of a building, next to a man bloodied. She manages to save the person, only to realize that he is Kang Cheol, the main character of her father's webtoon. Yeon Joo later discovers she can only enter and leave the webtoon depending on Kang Cheol's feelings.

현실 세계의 초짜 여의사 오연주가 우연히 인기 절정 웹툰 'W'에 빨려 들어가, 주인공 강철을 만나 로맨스가 싹트면서 다양한 사건이 일어나는 로맨틱 서스펜스 멜로 드라마

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

{Review} 기묘한 가족 (The Odd Family: Zombie On Sale)

Original Title: 기묘한 가족
Also Known As: Strange Family/The Odd Family: Zombie On Sale
Director: Lee Min-Jae
Distributor: Megabox Plus M
Released: February 14, 2019
Genre: Comedy/Thriller/Horror/Romance
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 10/10
Add To: YouTube
Man-Deok (Park In-Hwan) runs a gas station in a peaceful country village. He has three adult children: Joon-Gul (Jung Jae-Young), Min-Gul (Kim Nam-Gil) and Hae-Gul (Lee Soo-Kyung). Man-Deok only thinks about spending the rest of his life in Hawaii. Oldest child, Joon-Gul, is married to Nam-Joo (Uhm Ji-Won). He loves his family, but he doesn't express his feelings to his family. Min-Gul is the middle child in the family. He is the only to have graduated from a university in his family. He gets fired from his company and comes back to his hometown. Hae-Gul is the youngest child in the family. One day, a strange man (Jung Ga-Ram) appears in the country village. Due to him, Man-Deok’s family and the entire village is shaken.

조용하고 평화로운 시골에 '기묘한 가족'이 살고 있었어요. 그리고 그 앞에 금쪽 같은 좀비가 나타났답니다. 망해버린 주유소의 트러블메이커 가장 '만덕'은 우연히 만난 좀비를 집안에 들인다. 여타 좀비와 달리 반반한 외모, 말귀 알아듣는 ‘쫑비’를 보며 저마다의 속셈으로 패밀리 비즈니스를 꿈꾸는 가족. 리더인 맏며느리 '남주'를 중심으로 행동대장 장남 '준걸'과 브레인 차남 '민걸' 에너지 담당 막내 '해걸'에 물리면 죽기는커녕 더 젊어지는 좀비 '쫑비'까지! 이들의 기막힌 비즈니스는 조용했던 동네를 별안간 혈기 왕성한 마을로 만들어버리는데... 이거 혹시… 우리 때문이야?
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