Tuesday, May 25, 2021

{Review} 달달한 그놈 (The Sweet Blood)

Original Title: 달달한 그놈
Also Known As: The Sweet Bood
Director Ha Han Me
Distributor: Naver TV Cast/vLive
Released: March 24, 2021
Genre: Romance/Action/Supernatural
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 6/10
Add To: VIKI
At the age of 8, Park Joo-Hyeong went to Italy after he was adopted. He is now an adult and has the name of Vincenzo Cassano (Song Born between a human mother and a vampire father, Yeon Seo is a 118 year old half-vampire who wants nothing more than to live an ordinary human life. With natural beauty and a slew of vampire abilities, Yeon Seo could be anything she wanted, but she has chosen to blend in with those who appear closest to her age. As a result, Yeon Seo now finds herself faced with one of life’s most difficult challenges: graduating from high school. Fighting back her more vampiric urges, Yeon Seo does her best to blend in at school; a task that, for the most part, has been fairly easy. But when the sweet blood of her classmate, Song Meo Roo, attracts the attention of vampires and werewolves alike, things get a little more complicated. Trying desperately to ignore the siren call of Meo Roo’s blood, Yeon Seo takes it upon herself to protect her classmate from those who hunt him. As Yeon Seo and Meo Roo run for their lives, the blood in his veins calls to her. Torn between family duty and the desires of her own heart, a war within Yeon Seo rages. Will she be able to embrace her humanity and resist the temptation of this boy’s sweet blood or will her vampire side rise victorious in the end?
21 세기 초부터 뱀파이어들은 더 이상 인간의 피를 직접 마실 수 없어서 피를 뽑아 와인을 만들기 시작했습니다. 서영은 세계 최고의 와이너리 중 하나 인 바이올렛 가문에서 소믈리에로 자랐고, 그 소녀는 매우 예리한 후각의 주인이되었습니다. 조금이라도 조용히 살기 위해 고등학교에 진학한 연서는 눈에 띄지 않고 자신의 관심을 끌지 않으려 고한다. 그러나 송 모루라는 이름의 동급생이 그 소녀를 추적하고 뱀파이어 은신처에서 손을 긁는 데 실패했습니다. 처음으로 마법의 향기를 맡은 연서가 그를 데리고 갔지만, 100 년에 한 번 나타나는 모루가 가장 희소 한 피의 주인이라는 사실을 감추기 위해 일하지 않았다. 소녀는 친척들로부터 그 남자를 보호하기로 결정했지만 그를 시도하려는 유혹에 저항하는 것이 점점 더 어려워졌습니다.
~~ Adapted from the webtoon "The Sweet Girl" (달달한그녀) by writer S and illustrator Nal Chi (날치)

Monday, May 24, 2021

{Review} 陈情令 (The Untamed)

Original Title: 陈情令
Also Known As: The Untamed
Director Steve Cheng/Chan Ka Lam
Distributor: Tencent Video
Released: June 27, 2019
Genre: Action/Fantasy/Historical
Language: Mandarin
Country: China
My Rating: 10/10
Add To: Netflix | WeTV
Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wang Ji, two talented disciples of respectable clans, meet during cultivation training and accidentally discover a secret carefully hidden for many years. Taking on the legacy of their ancestors, they decide to rid the world of the ominous threat, but in a dramatic turn of events, Wei Wu Xian dies. Sixteen years later, Wei Wu Xian is brought back to life through a self-sacrificing ritual. He conceals himself behind a mask and assumes the identity of his summoner. Soon Wei Wu Xian reunites with Lan Wang Ji, and the pair starts working together to solve the mysteries of the present and unravel the truth behind the events of the past.
~~ Adapted from the novel "Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" (魔道祖师) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (墨香铜臭).

{Review} The Wretched

Original Title: The Wretched
Director Brett Pierce, Drew T. Pierce
Distributor: Little Runway
Released: April 29, 2020
Genre: Horror/Mystery/Paranormal
Language: English
Country: USA
My Rating: 5/10
Add To: HULU
A defiant teenage boy, struggling with his parents' imminent divorce, faces off with a thousand year-old witch, who is living beneath the skin of and posing as the woman next door.
여름방학을 맞아 아빠집에 놀러온 소년 '벤'이 마을에서 벌어지는 기이한 사건을 조사하고 마녀로부터 아이들을 구하는 내용의 영화

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

{Review} 빈센조 (Vincenzo)

Original Title: 빈센조
Also Known As: Vincenzo
Director Kim Hee-Won
Distributor: tvN
Released: February 20, 2021
Genre: Action/Romance/Crime/Mafia
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
My Rating: 10/10
Add To: Netflix
At the age of 8, Park Joo-Hyeong went to Italy after he was adopted. He is now an adult and has the name of Vincenzo Cassano (Song Joong-Ki). He is a lawyer, who works for the Mafia as a consigliere. Because of a war between mafia groups, he flees to South Korea. In South Korea, he gets involved with Lawyer Hong Cha-Young (Jeon Yeo-Bin). She is the type of attorney who will do anything to win a case. Vincenzo Cassano falls in love with her. He also achieves social justice by his own way.
대한민국의 국민들은 안도하며 말한다. 한국에는 마피아, 야쿠자, 삼합회, 카르텔 같은 거대 범죄 조직이 없어 다행이라고. 그러나 이건 엄청난 착각이다. 탐욕이 지배하는 세상에는 [빌런 총량의 법칙]이 존재한다. 한국도 예외는 아니며 이 '총량'은 교묘하게 숨겨져 있다. 과거의 이념과 망령에 사로잡혀 혐오와 증오를 부추기는 저열한 정치인, 정의수호는 커녕 인권을 파괴하고 권력에 눈이 먼 비루한 공권력, 이들에 빌붙어 가짜 뉴스를 양산하는 파렴치한 언론, 이에 기꺼이 '쩐주'가 돼 주는 대기업. 이들이 바로 대한민국의 마피아이자 거대 카르텔이다. 이 작품은 '법' 위에 군림하며 '법 정신'을 거스르는 '코리안 카르텔'에 대한 분노와 무기력함을 해소하기 위해 기획됐다. 진짜 마피아가 [마피아 방식]으로 이 카르텔을 궤멸 시키는 과정을 통해, 이 땅에 깊이 박힌 악을 축출하기 위해서는 때로는 변칙적이고 독한 방법도 필요함을 말하고 싶었다.
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